Devising Theatre
Who: Ages 10-12
When: Saturdays, Jan. 18-Feb. 15 and March 1
Time: 10am-12pm
Where: Bowling Green Community Center, Classroom B
What: In this winter workshop session, students will learn how to collaborate and work together to create a play utilizing their skills in improv, characterization, and scene building.
Class Max.: 10
Who: Ages 10-12
When: Saturdays, Jan. 18-Feb. 15 and March 1
Time: 10am-12pm
Where: Bowling Green Community Center, Classroom B
What: In this winter workshop session, students will learn how to collaborate and work together to create a play utilizing their skills in improv, characterization, and scene building.
Class Max.: 10
Who: Ages 10-12
When: Saturdays, Jan. 18-Feb. 15 and March 1
Time: 10am-12pm
Where: Bowling Green Community Center, Classroom B
What: In this winter workshop session, students will learn how to collaborate and work together to create a play utilizing their skills in improv, characterization, and scene building.
Class Max.: 10